
Innovative teams need a playing field that fosters creativity and provides a structure that allows ideas to fly.

Within our culturelabs, we ensure that your newly acquired methodological competence and first successfully implemented innovation projects do not remain punctual and temporary "agile success stories".

By developing agile work environments, core teams, an active agile community within your company as well as an integrated communication strategy, we contribute to establishing an agile innovation culture and mindset that is sustainable and anchored company-wide.


Innovation teams need creative and inspiring work spaces while, at the same time, supporting rituals and structures make their ideas fly. Launchlabs works with you to develop effective working environments for agile teams in both the digital and analogue space.

Workspacelabs - Workspace Design - Room Certification

If you want to establish a longlasting spirit of innovation as well as entre- and intrapreneurialship in your organization, good will and methodological competence are not enough. We help you to develop a teamwork environment and corresponding structures that enables your innovation champions to fully focus on their tasks and not be hindered by bureaucratic hurdles, overturned processes or confining spaces. Small changes often have a big impact in terms of inspiration and collaboration. Be it the physical workspace, the working materials or even the digital infrastructure and possibilities for collaboration over physical distance. 

We work with you to determine which digital and analogue tools best suit your organization, budget and goals. In addition, we have developed our own products and services, our modular furniture line what if we fly for teamwork and our workflow software Flowtomator, with which you can benefit from our many years of experience in setting up and operating innovation units:


  • Workspace Design
  • Room certificates


Workspace Design at a glance

launchlabs is happy to support you with everything you need to create your space for innovation:

  • Workspace Design: from concept ideas to floor plans, from zoning plans to room budgets, from sketches to 3D visualisations, from interior design to the operational concept of your room
  • Mobile furniture: mobile bar tables, shelves and stands for agile work in various setups. Design and functionality are ideally matched and based on the long experience of the Berlin-based designer pool22 and launchlabs. For this purpose we have created the joint brand what if we fly for design thinking furniture and agile teamwork environments
  • Rent a Lab: Experience what a well-equipped, inspiring teamwork environment can do for you, your team and your challenges. Rent a lab in one of our innovation lofts or another inspiring location near you


Room certificates at a glance

A successful teamwork environment brings people, materials and methods together in a way in which it triggers and facilitates innovation. The teamwork spaces certified by launchlabs are

  1. optimized for agile work
  2. designed for people
  3. consistently sustainable.

Our comprehensive catalogue of criteria ranges from basic aspects such as space, daylight and air supply to keep the energy of the participants and teams high, even during longer sprints, to the equipment with mobile furniture for optimal agile working, all the way to aspects of sustainability, accessibility and design.

The room or its design is flexibly adapted to the goals and needs of the people and to the concrete purpose of use and not the other way around. We at launchlabs have years of experience in the planning, design and certification of such innovation spaces.


Would you like to create an environment for innovation? Develop individuals and teams into agile ambassadors.

teamlabs at a glance


Our experience shows, that it is especially in the first phase of an agile transformation process, that a core team of pioneers and role models for the desired change within your company is needed. 

With our teamlabs, we want to support the development of (agile) teams:

  • Together with you, we describe the requirements for potential members of a core team and, if desired, also support you in the selection of employees
  • In combination with our learninglabs, we educate employees and teams on the necessary tools, models and theory. Ideally, your agile team applies their knowledge in a first innovationlabs project to a concrete business challenge


In addition to extensive methodological expertise and initial (learning) successes in the implementation of concrete innovation projects, a sustainable change in your corporate culture requires a cross-divisional and company-wide discussion of the values required. Within our valuelabs, we plan appropriate workshop formats and events together with you, in which we work with your employees, teams and managers to develop and bring to life the values that are right for your organization and that match your purpose and mission.


Together with you, we design structures and processes in which agile innovation teams and employees can develop their full potential. In order to assess and adapt your currect structure and process landscape, ideally with minimum impact interventions, our structurelabs include:

  • subject your existing process landscape to an agility check
  • Design a strategy to implement process adaptations
  • Design a timeline for the embedding into the regular operation
  • Recommend and implement (digital) tools for agile collaboration


Communication is key to any successful organization and a crucial enabler of agility

communicationlabs at a glance

Each of our actions involves some form of communication and it is impossible not to communicate. Targeted, transparent and adaptable communication is therefore an essential factor in successfully driving forward transformation processes in an organization. Even more so, when the change process affects the very values of the company.

Within the communicationlabs, we work with you to develop a human-centric, integrative and agile communication strategy. In this way, we support you in understanding the needs of your employees and stakeholder and increase their commitment, interaction and acceptance. The tools we create together range from suggestion boxes and community of practices to campaigns and live community events. All tools are measured frequently (qualitatively and quantitatively) and adapted as needed.

By applying visual, verbal and relational communication tools in an integrated way, we make the “why” transparent, share knowledge and form the basis for a change in mindset.


For the agile transformation to become a company-wide movement, it requires the interest and active cooperation of as many of your employees as possible. That is why we support you with the communitylabs in planning and carrying out a wide range of activities and events such as meetups and sharing sessions to build a vibrant agile community within your organization.