launchlabs as part of MURAL’s Playmakers Network
Take the challenge, learn from it and celebrate successes with the community – the launchlabs as part of MURAL’s Playmakers Network.
Due to the Corona pandemic, collaboration in all industries has changed dramatically – from the personal to the digital. The software MURAL makes a great contribution to bringing people closer together. launchlabs Berlin is part of the Playmakers Network founded by MURAL. Stefan from MURAL and Tobi from launchlabs tell us how this collaboration began.
launchlabs: Dear Tobi from launchlabs, dear Stefan from MURAL, I’m happy to have you here together in this interview today. You’ve been working together for a while now, and now this collaboration has even led to participation in the MURAL Playmakers Network. Stefan, you work at MURAL. What exactly is your job there?
Stefan: I’m a senior success manager. I design what our partners need in MURAL. I’m responsible for the experience that people have in our network, and of course we use agile tools like journey mapping to do that.
launchlabs: Tobi, what is your role at launchlabs? What is your motivation?
Tobi: I help companies with agile transformation. I help companies to act like successful startups, such as MURAL was one recently. But by now you are more than a startup. We use agile methods like Scrum, Lean Startup or Design Thinking to come up with new, innovative ideas. Always with the principle of iterative working. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, my new passion is to think about how virtual collaboration can work. That’s why I came up with the idea of working with MURAL.
launchlabs: That sounds interesting.
Tobi: It is. We all had the situation where face to face trainings and workshops were no longer possible because of the Corona pandemic. I learned how to use MURAL working with one of our main customers. This company was already using it. Because of minor technical problems I got in contact with the support of MURAL. It was immediately a nice and helpful exchange. They were also interested in my ideas for collaboration and I was able to exchange ideas with the developers and then with Stefan.
Stefan: That’s right. At MURAL, we take great care to ensure that every employee feels connected to the company. Like in a family. We also want our partners and users to experience this sense of belonging. We are always open and happy about the close contact. We are very transparent when it comes to feedback on our products and direct exchange. We are very proud of this. Our support team is available 24 hours a day, five days a week. Our company is experiencing great growth right now. Especially in this time of the pandemic, there are so many people who want to use MURAL. And we’re there to support them.
launchlabs: That sounds exciting! Tobi, how does MURAL help you as a coach and facilitator in your daily work?
Tobi: In our trainings, we work very visually. We put our thoughts visually on a whiteboard, and it’s so important that we can do that digitally now with MURAL. The feeling when you enter the interface of the software is great. You can feel that the people behind it have an agile mindset. It excites me to invite customers to present their ideas on MURAL.
launchlabs: That’s right. MURAL connects us, especially these days. Stefan, you already mentioned the Playmakers Network. Can you tell us a little bit about it?
Stefan: Sure. Playmakers help us differentiate our product. They work in their own environment, according to their methods. They have their own community around them. Playmakers belong to many different industries. With the Playmakers Network, we want to highlight the experts who use MURAL. We want to expand our network to include people we and our customers would not normally meet. By the end of the year, we will have over thirty Playmakers on our website that our customers can approach with questions. launchlabs Berlin is one of them. I’m very happy about that.
launchlabs: That’s nice. Why did you invite launchlabs to be part of the network?
Stefan: We were on the same wavelength with Tobi and his ideas right from the start. And when we came up with the idea of launching the Playmakers Network, we immediately thought of launchlabs. Companies can also submit a request to become part of the network. But of course we also think of the best in our field and ask them if they want to be part of the network. At launchlabs we see the enthusiasm for MURAL and the extra value you create for your customers. The way you guys use MURAL is also exciting. You’re not just using it to create Post-Its, but you’re telling entire stories to your customers. That’s unique. Also, you guys have a great community. We really wanted launchlabs to be one of the first to be part of our Playmakers Network.
launchlabs: Thank you very much! It sounds like a win-win situation for both companies!
Stefan: Yes, definitely. The idea behind the network is also to find ways to support each other. We want to make a difference in the world with MURAL. And it may be that one of your customers also becomes a new customer of ours. And vice versa. Teams from both companies could create a whole new experience for customers.
launchlabs: That sounds exciting! Where do you want to be with the Playmakers Network in two years?
Stefan: The Coronavirus has opened doors for companies that are ready for this change. I would like MURAL to be one of those companies. For the Playmakers Network, I wish to see a supportive network emerge that is known for its mutual helpfulness.
launchlabs: That sounds great. How can companies become a part of it?
Stefan: I would advise companies: Have the courage and become a speaker at one of our events. Tobi was also a speaker at our first event. He gave a presentation about the possibilities to inspire participants by working with MURAL. I think that’s what makes launchlabs unique. The storytelling style. For companies interested in the Playmakers Network, I would advise them to look into the features of MURAL. In today’s world, it is necessary to know these technical capabilities. I recently spoke to a researcher who said MURAL is one of the important programs to know in the working world. As consultants, you now have the chance to be one of the first to acquire this knowledge. But you also have to take a risk and learn from it. That’s what makes a playmaker.
launchlabs: Thank you very much! Taking the challenge, learning from it, and sharing the successes with the community. I take this with me.
We are very much looking forward to working together.
published: 3rd of March 2021