Corporate learning capability: Our library

If you come to our launchlabs office at Leuschnerdamm, Berlin, you will also pass by our library, which we have set up in the entrance area of our office. Here you will find about 65 books from the categories “Creativity, Self-Management, Motivation”, “Inspiring Spaces, Workspace Design”; Berlin, “Toolkits, Playbooks”, “Visualization”, “Ideas, Innovation”, “People”, “Business, Innovation, Strategy”, “Exploration”, “Game Design”.

We support our customers in building innovation projects and agile transformation. In order to be able to constantly learn and grow as a company and personally, one of the things that helps us is our value “learning ability”:

“We are eager to experiment and want to know how to do things better. We learn to change, we change to improve”.

launchlabs gives us as employees the freedom to buy books on our own that we believe will help us or the company, so that we can constantly educate ourselves and give new impulses. In this way, our library grows continuously and diversely. For us, this is the perfect supplement to our annual training budget, which we can then use freely for further training, courses and events.

In our library, however, you will not only find reading material; slippers are also available to swap in your work shoes and retreat to one of our reading corners. And if you want to enjoy a game of table tennis with the team, you’ll find the table tennis bats to go with them.

Today, we’ve brought you two recommendations from our library that have inspired us in our work and the design of our work environment.

1. “Agile Coaching” by Judith Andresen

 “Agile Coaching” by Judith Andresen is a book that is especially helpful for all agile transformation leaders and coaches.

When we first trained Agile Coaches a few years ago, the book was part of the curriculum for us and has since been found at various points in our training. The book teaches methods for coaching employees, developing team culture, and building decision-making and communication structures in teams.

In our current training of Agile Coaches in the client context, we also refer to aspects of the book and use many of the methods ourselves.  This book doesn’t always make it into the spotlight, but it holds a lot of advice for team development in an agile environment, especially for practicing coaches, and is therefore worth recommending.

2. “Make Space” by Scott Dorley and Scott Witthoft

Our second book tip made it onto the list because “Make Space” by Scott Doorley and Scott Witthoft also inspired us a lot in our own space design at launchlabs. “Make Space” gives several suggestions for designing physical spaces to be flexible, adaptable, and conducive to a team’s culture. This includes furniture and fixtures, but also thinking in terms of different contexts of use. The goal is to create spaces that make the best use of their environment and furnishings to support teams in different collaborative situations.

Our Digital Studio and Workshop Space in Berlin is also modular and user-centric. With What if we fly, we created our own brand of agile office furniture. So we created a space in our office that can be transformed in a few simple steps from a digital green screen studio for digital events or keynotes, into a workshop space for interdisciplinary collaboration, into separate group workstations concentrated teamwork, or a theater with bleachers.

Here you can be in the spotlight – our rooms are also available for rent:

Feel free to stop by for a drink to get to know our library and launchlabs!

Marit and Fabian from launchlabs

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